Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I can't believe Christmas is around the corner.I've been getting excited since the day after Halloween and now, for me, it's officially Christmas because last night I seen the Coca-Cola add ! Once I see that add on the TV I get into the Christmas mood and now I'm absolutely dieing to go Christmas shopping in Dublin.
What's even better now is that it started snowing! I didn't go into college today because the buses weren't running, so since everyone was kinda thick that we were out in the cold we all decided to have a massive snow ball fight.... Worst idea ever! We all got soaked and I think we scared all the old people that were roaming about the bus depot. On the up side though we all had a great laugh and built a snow man,"Frosty",very original.Everything will be back to normal tomorrow though I think and it'll be just another Tuesday in college... Woohoo!

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