Monday, November 29, 2010

Can I have Your Number ?

The funniest thing I have ever seen on YouTube is a video called "Can I have Your Number?" From the beginning to end I was seriously in stitches ! This is the sorta thing you don't ever want to happen to you. It's about a girl in the cinema and a guy try's so hard to get her phone number but she isn't giving in to him and to be honest I cant say I blame her. Darrell, the guy, even starts to smell her and he tells her he loves her. Yeah I know it sounds like the fella should be in Ardee but it's too funny and by the end you'll want to watch it again, I can guarantee you that much ! I remember the first time I saw it was towards the end of 6th year and everyone was quoting Darrell and saying he was such a "legend!"
The character Darrell is actually a girl Nicole Randell Johnson I only found that out about 5 minutes ago.
 At the end of 6th year we had our grad party and it was a fancy dress, my friend Rachel dressed up as Darrell and recited the whole video at least 5 times and nobody got sick of it. This shows how funny this video is and I'd recommend it to everyone.
I even have a link to the video so I hope you enjoy it !

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I can't believe Christmas is around the corner.I've been getting excited since the day after Halloween and now, for me, it's officially Christmas because last night I seen the Coca-Cola add ! Once I see that add on the TV I get into the Christmas mood and now I'm absolutely dieing to go Christmas shopping in Dublin.
What's even better now is that it started snowing! I didn't go into college today because the buses weren't running, so since everyone was kinda thick that we were out in the cold we all decided to have a massive snow ball fight.... Worst idea ever! We all got soaked and I think we scared all the old people that were roaming about the bus depot. On the up side though we all had a great laugh and built a snow man,"Frosty",very original.Everything will be back to normal tomorrow though I think and it'll be just another Tuesday in college... Woohoo!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Social Networking & Social Media

I remember back in the day when I never thought I`d be on a computer nearly everyday talking to friends, sharing photos, videos, links and things of all sorts. I remember when I was in 1st year in secondary school, everyone was talking about Bebo and I didn`t  have a clue what they were talking about so one day my friend helped me set up my own "Bebo Profile". I was amazed at everything that I could do on it and I thought it was great that I could talk to my mates and not waste my credit !
Then all of a sudden everyone was talking about cyber bulling and we all got talks in school about it but in all honestly I never experienced anything like that and neither did any of my mates.
Then there was a new revelation... Facebook, it`s the new and improved version of Bebo and I don't think it will die down like Bebo did !
There`s also the Social Media aspect of the internet and nowadays every company out there has a facebook page or a twitter page and it`s a way of keeping their product fresh, new and exciting for consumers. If anyone wants to talk about a particular product they could just onto their official website and talk to other consumers. It`s also a way of getting your opinion heard by the company and if somebody has a suggestion on improving the product it would be given some serious consideration. Its also a way of getting in touch with an expert if you have a problem with the product.

Online PR - First Impressions

My first day of online PR was pretty nerve wrecking because Iam no good at computers, and i was dreading making a webpage. However, when we got into it I realised that it wasn`t that hard and I actually enojoy making a webpage and adding images, hyperlinks, lists and tables.
On the first day I didn`t realise that we had to sit through a lecture of Online PR, I thought it was just all practical, but the lecure is really interesting because we learn about E-Business, On-line trading, eCommerce and the future of technology.
Now that I`m studying Online PR I realise that there are many different explanations and definations to try and explain the term but I have my own phrase that i hope explains Online PR very well.
Online PR is an interaction between a business and a consumer using an electronic medium i.e the internet.
It is also a way of getting a product or event advertised online.
I think that Online PR is very relevant to my Public Relaions course because it`s very interesting and it`s very helpful for businesses to get their product established on the market and it`s also very important because i this module you learn how do create a webpage which is vital for a business to survive in this day and age.