Thursday, December 9, 2010

My First Semester at DKIT

I remember my first day very very well .... before I even got on my bus to go to Dundalk there was drama.
My best mate found out the night before that her fella was cheating on her... But that's another story.
Anyway when we eventually got to the college I was like a lost child, I didn't know where I was going, I ended up in the science block... Not to say I felt well out of place!
I was grand going into all the classes not a bother on me and then when the work started the next day I wanted to scream... I didn't know if this course was for me and I didn't think I could handle the work.
Thankfully though we all got talking and I feel more comfortable in the class now with everyone and the work isn't that bad either.
I even see my friends from school and we go "creeping" in the canteen on the lunch breaks because we never skip class !
Overall, I think my first semester here was great and I'm 100% sure I'm coming back in January so I hope the rest of the year is great because I don't want to be on the doll queue in Drogheda, it's way too long!

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